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The dam walls at the Mirador mine will inevitably break, releasing toxic waste and destroying vast areas of the Amazon
Mirador Mine DANGER Tailings Dams collapse.
Environmental and Human catastrophe.
The tailings dams of the Mirador Mine are situated in the headwaters of the River Amazon in South Eastern Ecuador,. These dams hold vast amounts toxic waste and are being constructed in a manner which will inevitably lead to a collapse. We have a case pending in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and a case pending in the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court, demanding information regarding the construction of the dams and treatment of waste water. This animation shows the situation of a worst case scenario following a tailings dam failure which is imminent.
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The purpose of this website is to serve as a resource for any individuals or organisations who wish to help to protect the Amazon Basin, Ecuador’s environment and their multi-faceted cultures.

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COPPER IN ECUADOR: A Large-Scale Waste Generating Machine
This video shows and explains how the Ecuadorian Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Chinese mining consortium ECSA are disregarding internationally agreed tailings dams safety standards and are endangering the most bio-diverse areas of our planet. We have two cases pending and awaiting judgments. One is lodged within the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court and the other within the Inter-American Court on Human Rights.

Unparalleled looming catastrophe to impact the Amazon Basin
David Frederick Dene explains the toxic waste catastrophe faced by the lungs of the world - the Amazon Basin

Large scale mining in Ecuador – Luis Corral
The environmentalist Luis Corral talks about the environmental liabilities and heritage losses associated with the large scale mining. He describes with clarity the incompatibility of mining with the cultural and ecological survival of the Condor Mountain Range, and the indigenous Shuar people. El ecologista Luis Corral habla sobre los pasivos ambientales y pérdidas patrimoniales asociados a la minería a gran escala. Él describe con claridad la incompatibilidad de la minería con la supervivencia cultural y ecológico de la Cordillera del Cóndor y el pueblo indígeno Shuar.

David Dene- Mirador mining project and the consequence of the big scale mining!!!
A short video, in which our good friend David Dene is explaining the danger hidden behind a large scale mining such as the Mirador Mining project wanting to take place in the Cordillera del Condor in the Amazon jungle part of Ecuador. Giving us clarity about things which the mas media is not!

Mina Mirador – Amazonas – Animación – inevitable colapso las presas de residuos y consecuencias.
La mina Mirador en la cabecera del río Amazonas es propiedad de un consorcio chino. Están construyendo presas de residuos que inevitablemente se colapsarán. Esta animación muestra la amenaza a todo el gran río Amazonas, que es una de las zonas más biodiversas de nuestro planeta.

Mina Mirador PELIGRO Colapso de las presas de relaves. Catástrofe ambiental y humana.
Las presas de residuos de la mina Mirador están situadas en la cabecera del río Amazonas, en el sureste de Ecuador. Estas presas contienen enormes cantidades de residuos increíblemente tóxicos y se están construyendo de una manera que inevitablemente conducirá a un colapso. Nuestro caso ha sido aceptado por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos con sede en Costa Rica y hemos demandado al Ministerio de Minas por ocultar información sobre la construcción de las presas y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales. Esta animación muestra la situación del peor escenario tras un colapso que, en la actualidad, se considera inevitable.

Mirador Mine – Inevitable catastrophic tailings dam collapse.
The tailings dams of the Mirador Mine in the headwaters of the river Amazon will inevitably collapse and are presenting a threat to the entire Amazonian Eco system stretching to the Atlantic Ocean.

Large scale mining in Ecuador – Domingo Ankuash
This video has been created to bring to the eyes of the world the situation in South Eastern Ecuador. The government of Ecuador signed a contract with a Chinese company giving it the right to exploit the land, without consulting the inhabitants, thus violating the Constitution. This contract will lead to the extinction of the indigenous peoples from this area and their culture. Shuar people reject the "invasion" of Chinese and Canadian corporations and the development of mines on their land and affirm that they will defend their territories until the last. Este video ha sido creado para traer a los ojos del mundo la situación en el sudeste de Ecuador. El gobierno de Ecuador firmó un contrato con una empresa china que le da el derecho a explotar la tierra, sin consultar a los habitantes, por lo tanto violando la Constitución.Este contrato dará lugar a la extinción de los pueblos indígenas de esta zona y su cultura. Pueblo Shuar rechaza la "invasión" de las empresas chinas y canadienses y el desarrollo de las minas en sus tierras y afirman que defenderán su territorio hasta la última.

Large scale mining in Ecuador: the destruction which will occur at the Mirador mine
This video portrays the destruction which will occur at the Mirador copper and gold mine in the Cordillera del Condor (Condor Highlands), Andes. It was used at the court in Quito in February 2013 to show the violation of The Rights of Nature. The 2008 Constitution of Ecuador enshrines The Rights of Nature. Minería a gran escala en Ecuador: la destrucción que se producirá en la mina "Mirador" Este video muestra la destrucción que se producirá en la mina de cobre y oro "Mirador" que está situada en la Cordillera del Cóndor, los Andes. Fue usado en el Tribunal en Quito en febrero de 2013 para demostrar la violación de los Derechos de la Naturaleza. La Constitución de 2008 de Ecuador consagra los Derechos de la Naturaleza.

From Harm To Harmony
Premiered on Sunday Aug 9th 2020 to mark International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples: a beautiful short film from Stop Ecocide supporter Kelly Roberts, featuring indigenous Amazon resistance to toxic exploitation and deforestation, and highlighting the need for #ecocide law to protect the forest for the sake of all of us. Voices include Patricia Gualinga (Sarayaku people), Oswando Nenquimo (Waorani people), Clare Dubois (Treesisters), David Dene (UN Earth jurist) ‘From Harm to Harmony’ was created in direct response to Polly Higgins’ call ‘Dare to be Great’ and is dedicated to Polly’s memory. Embedded subtitles are English/Spanish where appropriate to allow for mixed audiences.

Drone footage of Mirador Mine Quimi dam containment
This shows the inclination of the walls of the dam and raises questions as to the construction methods employed and their safety
Another Disaster Waiting To Happen?
Understanding the increasing levels of destruction and social breakdown caused by the Mirador Mine Project.
The technology and risk assessment in Open-Pit Mining to the environment and to our society.
Tailings Dam Model of Mirador Mine Shows Disastrous Potential
The Mirador Mining project case in Ecuador demands transparency in the divulging of the structural plans of the Mirador Mine Tailings dams, which the company ECSA are saying are their intellectual property.
Tailings Dam Model of Mirador Mine Shows Disastrous Potential
The Mirador Mining project case in Ecuador demands transparency in the divulging of the structural plans of the Mirador Mine Tailings dams, which the company ECSA are saying are their intellectual property.

Ecuador: Las peligrosas piscinas de desechos mineros que rodean a Mirador no tienen control
Investigación y textos: Manuel Novik. Fotos y video: Luis Argüello. Infografías: Jazmina Ojeda / Lea el artículo original aquí. Todos los créditos a los autores antes mencionados. El proyecto minero industrial más grande en la historia del país explotará un yacimiento de cobre hasta 2049. En Mirador se construye el segundo dique de contención de […]
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The Mirador Mine – An Overview May 2023
04th of May 2023 | David F. Dene | Download PDF | The Mirador project, operated by the Chinese mining company ECSA, is being developed over an operating area of 6,998 ha and with a mining infrastructure area of 1,836 ha. Looking at our human behaviours through the eyes of Nature, irresponsibility rises up to […]
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Indigenous leader assassinated amid conflict over oil that divided community
17th of April 2023 | Ana Cristina Alvarado | Ecuadorian indigenous leader Eduardo Mendúa, who opposed oil operations on his community’s land without informed consent, was assassinated by hitmen in February 2023. The conflict between the community and state-owned oil company Petroecuador EP escalated into his murder. The opposition to the drilling was backed by […]
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Ecuador court upholds ‘rights of nature,’ blocks Intag Valley copper mine
31st of March 2023 | Liz Kimbrough | Full Article | In a landmark ruling, the Provincial Court of Imbabura in Ecuador has upheld the rights of nature and blocked the development of a copper mine in the Intag Valley. The decision marks a significant victory for environmentalists who have been fighting against mining in […]
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Mirador – a time bomb? | Mirador, ¿una bomba de tiempo?
13th of February 2023 | Diego Cazar Baquero | @dieguitocazar | The Mirador mine, a mega-mining project located in the southeastern Ecuadorian Amazon, has been the subject of controversy since its inception due to its potential environmental impact and violation of indigenous rights. The mine, owned by Chinese companies, has been accused of ignoring environmental […]
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Mirador: A mine of mirages ‘Ecologist’ Article – David Dene February 18th 2019
Read Full Article: China is investing in the huge Mirador mining project in Ecuador – at great risk to human life and the natural environment. If you’re producing sixty thousand tons of toxic waste a day and need to store it safely until the end of time, you’re doing what the sun does to […]
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The Mirador Mine in Ecuador – Another disaster waiting to happen?
“In order to bring the situation affecting the Mirador Mine into perspective I am including information on the recent Tailings Dam failure in Brazil.” On Friday, January 25th. 2019, the 42 year old Brumadinho Tailings Dam in Brazil collapsed. On January 30th. news outlets declared that 99 people had been found dead, and the chances […]
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Adverse Ecological Effects of the Mirador Open-Pit Copper Mine
The World Bank notes that acid mine drainage is one of the most serious and difficult problems associated with mining, and has severe and permanent effects on the environment. Acid mine drainage continues to emanate from mines in Europe established during the Roman Empire prior to 467 AD (CSS, 2002). Georgius Agricola’s “De Re Metallica” […]
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Usage of Water by the Mirador Open-Pit Copper Mine
The Mirador Open Pit Copper Mine will mine 60,000 tons of rock per day. When 50,000 tons of ore are mined and crushed per day, 49,700 tons of solid rock waste is created each day, all of it contaminated by heavy metals. In the case of the Mirador Mine more than 49,700 tons of rock […]
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Case upholding the Rights of Nature
On the 15th of january NGO’s and The Shuar people, presented a request to the courts in Quito to try the Ecuadorian Government for infringement of their own Constitution, written in 2008, and the first in the World to enshrine The Rights of Nature. Organizations like The Pachamama Alliance, Conaie, Ecuarunari, and Acción Ecológica want […]
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