On the 15th of january NGO’s and The Shuar people, presented a request to the courts in Quito to try the Ecuadorian Government for infringement of their own Constitution, written in 2008, and the first in the World to enshrine The Rights of Nature. Organizations like The Pachamama Alliance, Conaie, Ecuarunari, and Acción Ecológica want to stop the developing of the Mirador open-pit copper and gold mine.
The courts will decide whether or not to take the case within a week. The case is being brought in respect to gross violations of The Rights of Nature, and non-compliance with the rights to due consultation of Indigenous Peoples in regard to the use, and in this case, the abuse of their lands.
On February 4th another case will be presented to the court in Zamorra for failure to observe the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights of indigenous Peoples. If not accepted the case will go to the International Court of Human Rights in Costa Rica.
Here you have some articles (written in spanish) presenting the event: